Addiction Recovery, Emotional processing, Marriage Struggles

Omission is a lie.

Some people don't come right out and lie. They just omit the truth. They give you just enough truthful information to lead you to believe they are making the right choices and doing the right things. They only give you half the story. The other half, well, it is very important. Without it, you don't… Continue reading Omission is a lie.

Addiction Recovery, Emotional processing, Marriage Struggles

Making a fresh start.

It's finally our time. We were on the other side of year one and my husband had more energy to focus on us. He was seeing things more clearly and making decisions that were the best for us, not only him, but our family. We were making a fresh start. We were doing it together.… Continue reading Making a fresh start.

Emotional processing, Personal Views

And let the judgement begin.

As I come public with my life and my struggles, I expect there to be judgement. It's part of the game. There are those that will agree, those that will disagree, those that will be hurt and those that will judge. For those that are hurt, the truth has a tendency to sting. I know… Continue reading And let the judgement begin.

Addiction Recovery, Emotional processing, Marriage Struggles

So, it had been a year…

We made it through that first, long year of sobriety. There have been ups and downs and lots a new challenges. Did we fix our marriage? Are we back where we started? Ummm, no, that's far from the truth. I thought that my husband getting sober would give us the chance to work on our… Continue reading So, it had been a year…

Addiction Recovery, Emotional processing, Marriage Struggles

So I’m stuck in a place…

Do you ever find yourself in a place that you don't want to be? You sit and you stew. You reflect. You think. You try to take it all in and all answers point to go. Get out. Leave. But you stay. That was me. I said that my recovery from my husband's alcoholism was… Continue reading So I’m stuck in a place…

Addiction Recovery, Emotional processing

So, it’s a funny little thing.

Acceptance of one's self is a funny little thing. So easy on the surface, to put in words, but so hard to really do. My husband has had a long road of struggles in his life from being born a cleft palate and all that comes along with it, to struggles with depression and addiction.… Continue reading So, it’s a funny little thing.