Emotional processing, Personal Views, Self Improvement

Build. Burn. Build.

Life has ups and downs and twist and turns. Just when you think you should go left, something forces you right. Just when you start to go up, something knocks you down. It can be crazy and confusing and fun and exhilarating. It can be fulfilling and heartbreaking. Have you ever met someone that had… Continue reading Build. Burn. Build.

color street, Emotional processing, Marriage Struggles

I have much more important things…

When faced with adversity and the lack of a good answer, a very common response is "I have much, more important things to do." As if your question is not important. In reality, that response usually comes from one of three things, the need to feel better about one's self, the need to feel important… Continue reading I have much more important things…

Emotional processing, Personal Views

It takes a village.

I have learned that life can not be conquered alone. I can not raise my child alone. I can not solve my problems alone. I can not walk through this life alone. It takes a village. And man, when times get rough, I am thankful for my village. Now, don't get me wrong, not all… Continue reading It takes a village.

Emotional processing, Personal Views

The perception of intentions.

There are so many acts that are done with good intentions that are perceived as anything but nice. It is a messy, dirty world we live in. Our lives are muddled with stories of deceit, infidelity, abuse, sex slavery and political division. You can't trust what you read, you can't trust what you see on… Continue reading The perception of intentions.

Emotional processing, Personal Views

And let the judgement begin.

As I come public with my life and my struggles, I expect there to be judgement. It's part of the game. There are those that will agree, those that will disagree, those that will be hurt and those that will judge. For those that are hurt, the truth has a tendency to sting. I know… Continue reading And let the judgement begin.