Emotional processing, God’s Glory, Therapy

His stitches in my life.

Life has a funny way of giving us what we need when we didn't even know we needed it. Some say that is a coincidence. Some say that is karma coming back. Some say that's just life. It is so much more. It is God. Every moment of every day, he is weaving the magical… Continue reading His stitches in my life.

Emotional processing

There is always joy.

Find joy. I preach this to myself daily. Enjoy where you are at. I am striving to enjoy every moment of my solo days. I am trying not to think about being lonely and think about the opportunity that is in front of me. No phase is perfect and if I dwell on the negative,… Continue reading There is always joy.

Dating, Emotional processing

All the baggage.

When you are 45 and single, you quickly realize that at this point in life, anyone that is single comes with baggage. We are all little damaged. We have all been through some muck. The other thing I am realizing is that it was no ones fault. At least, not most of the men that… Continue reading All the baggage.

Addiction Recovery, Emotional processing, Marriage Struggles

Because of a small boy.

I thought walking away from my marriage was one of the hardest thing I would ever do in my life. I realize, now, that moving on is even harder when you know that you will spend the rest of child's life tied to the person you are walking away from. There is no out. There… Continue reading Because of a small boy.

color street, Emotional processing

When you see the shine.

When you put in the hard work, you reap the rewards. A day spent cleaning rewards me with a shiny home. An afternoon spent washing the Jeep rewards me with a shiny jeep. A few months searching your soul rewards you with a shiny you. It takes work, reflection, support and tears but when you… Continue reading When you see the shine.