Dating, Emotional processing, Therapy

I Found The Words.

Are you tired of hearing from me this week? I have had a lot to work through and I am thankful you have been hear to get me through it. I prayed for the words to tell the small boy he would not be seeing Mr. X and his kids anymore. And my prayers were… Continue reading I Found The Words.

Emotional processing

The Quiet in the Busy.

I have been busy, busy, busy. I'd like to say I to want to slow down but it is so, very, very hard. For the last 10 years, my house has been filled with the noise of family. My husband, my in-laws, the small boy. Noise and chaos and laughter and then...silence. When the small… Continue reading The Quiet in the Busy.

color street

I can do this.

I am adjusting to my new life. I have spent a lot of time during the last 8 weeks wondering how I would manage on my own. Can I handle the bills? Keep the big house in order? Afford all the fun and extras I want for my little guy? Well, this first mini vacation… Continue reading I can do this.

Mourning a Love One

Let’s help them grieve.

In Memory of Jace Alexander Lowry."Jace would have been 11 months old today. We would have started the #CountdownToOne by posting pictures every week, planning a birthday party and reflecting on how he has changed our lives in the most amazing way. Instead, we are dreading the #CountdownToOneYear. We are dreading the forever emptiness that’s… Continue reading Let’s help them grieve.

color street, Emotional processing

When you see the shine.

When you put in the hard work, you reap the rewards. A day spent cleaning rewards me with a shiny home. An afternoon spent washing the Jeep rewards me with a shiny jeep. A few months searching your soul rewards you with a shiny you. It takes work, reflection, support and tears but when you… Continue reading When you see the shine.

Finding My Sparkle, Parenting Struggles, Personal Views, Working Mom

When the small boy shines.

We had a very rough, first year of school. Kindergarten was so very hard. Our sweet, kind, little boy exhibited actions that were unfavorable. We started the year with phone calls and visits to the principal's office. Riley has always been so sweet, so kind and so well mannered. He cared about his friends, he… Continue reading When the small boy shines.


Don’t you just love being a Mom?

It's a weird time in our lives. This little being is so amazing. He learned to walk and talk and grew way to fast before my eyes. He is sweet and kind and adorable and a great big asshole. Yep, you heard it. I said it. My kid is an asshole. Not everyday, not every… Continue reading Don’t you just love being a Mom?


I want to scream amphibian.

Reading is a funny thing. Some people love it, some hate it. Some read for pleasure, some for education, some for inspiration and some for.... Wait, this is PG-13, we won't talk about those people. But, teaching your child to read is a whole different thing. The small boy is 6 and in kindergarten. He… Continue reading I want to scream amphibian.

Parenting Struggles, Working Mom

Turn on your light.

The grind of day to day sometimes gets the best of me. I get so into making it through that I forget to make it fun. I forget to see the little things. I forget to protect my shine. Even in the worst moments, there is sparkle. You just have to use a light to… Continue reading Turn on your light.