Emotional processing

The seasons are changing.

There are days when I have it all together and there are days when I think that I have come out on the other side. There are days when I think I am over the past and ready to move forward and there are day when I realize I have so much more work to… Continue reading The seasons are changing.

Adventure, Emotional processing

What if…

Spontaneity is not something that I am known for. I am an over-thinker. I am an over-analyzer. I am a what-iffer. (Yes, I made up that word.) I have a tendency to live in the zone of "what if" and have missed out on some really amazing things. Missing out leads to a lot of… Continue reading What if…

Emotional processing, Mourning a Love One, Personal Views

88 days.

This year has brought more tears than I care to count. Tears brought on by stress, loss and heartbreak. Tears that made me want to crawl in bed and never leave. Tears that were pent up and held back as I was slowly breaking inside. Tears, I was afraid to release because those flood gates… Continue reading 88 days.

Addiction Recovery, Emotional processing, Marriage Struggles

Because of a small boy.

I thought walking away from my marriage was one of the hardest thing I would ever do in my life. I realize, now, that moving on is even harder when you know that you will spend the rest of child's life tied to the person you are walking away from. There is no out. There… Continue reading Because of a small boy.

Emotional processing, Marriage Struggles, Mourning a Love One

What chapter are you on?

Ever read a really good book and want to skip to the end? I am learning that you can't skip chapters. Part of me wants to pretend the last year didn't happen and go right back to before it all started. Not to the circumstances, not to the marriage but, to the person I was.… Continue reading What chapter are you on?

Emotional processing

I am just a women.

I am just a woman, a mother, trying to make it through this moment. Sometimes, everything is just too much and the crying just starts out of nowhere. No warning. It is a lot for one woman to hold. We hold our children, hold down our careers, hold down the fort, hold our heads high… Continue reading I am just a women.

Emotional processing

The Quiet in the Busy.

I have been busy, busy, busy. I'd like to say I to want to slow down but it is so, very, very hard. For the last 10 years, my house has been filled with the noise of family. My husband, my in-laws, the small boy. Noise and chaos and laughter and then...silence. When the small… Continue reading The Quiet in the Busy.

color street

I can do this.

I am adjusting to my new life. I have spent a lot of time during the last 8 weeks wondering how I would manage on my own. Can I handle the bills? Keep the big house in order? Afford all the fun and extras I want for my little guy? Well, this first mini vacation… Continue reading I can do this.

color street, Emotional processing, Marriage Struggles

I have much more important things…

When faced with adversity and the lack of a good answer, a very common response is "I have much, more important things to do." As if your question is not important. In reality, that response usually comes from one of three things, the need to feel better about one's self, the need to feel important… Continue reading I have much more important things…

Emotional processing, Marriage Struggles

Some days I want to scream.

Please, indulge me as I rant! Today, I want to scream profanities at the top of my lungs. I am annoyed, angry and disgusted. Things get under my skin and I can't get them out. I have a tendency to obsess on little stuff. Today is one of those days. I have no tolerance for… Continue reading Some days I want to scream.